
Published on:

21st Apr 2018

97: Laughter Heals

Laughter heals wounds. Especially, emotional wounds. Some of the deepest wounds stem from the feeling that you are an outsider, a person who does not belong.

Today’s guest, Hal Eisen, is a charming, handsome, loving, funny human being. He is a gift for making people laugh and feel really good. It’s a double edged gift.

You laugh at his wicked sense of humor; and you laugh at his laugh. Yes, Hal has a contagious laugh.

He is an actor and a designer. He tells us in the podcast that his theatre friends have asked him not to let them know when he is in the audience of a play they are in.

Why? Because, if it is a comedy, and they don’t hear Hal’s laugh, they will be disappointed. If it is a drama, and they hear his laugh, they will be disappointed. That’s what you call a lose, lose situation.

You will be moved by the journey Hall takes you on in this interview. You’ll discover how and why laughter became his powerful survival tool.

I’ll guess that most of us have at some time in our lives felt unwanted, cast aside, not knowing where we belong. That is scary and painful. The feeling of being an outsider has triggered many suicides.

Hal is no stranger to the outsider’s pain.  You’ll love the way he used laughter to heal his wounds.

You’ll be inspired by the way Hal gradually changed his story and his life. He was considered the ugly duckling in high school. He was humiliated and abused.

That phase of his life was the before portrait that contrasts strongly with the after portrait of a good looking, creative, sharp man about town.

You will also learn about the empowering “it get’s better” campaign that helps people reclaim their dignity and saves lives.

It’s interesting that Hal is passionate about his design work with his partner, Andrew, in the Bottecchia Artistic Group. They specialize in residential and commercial makeovers. Sounds like writing a new story over and over again.

This is the kind of story we all need to hear. We are enriched by the feelings it awakens in us. We are uplifted by the gift of laughter that heals wounds.


Not My Father’s Son: A Memoir by Alan Cumming

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod


“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.” – Spoken by Polonius in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” – Act I – Scene 3



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About the Podcast

Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Influences: Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Dale Carnegie, Oprah, Robert Kiyosaki, Robin Sharma, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, LinkedIn, Twitter, method acting, Marlon Brando, Marcus Aurelius
Humans are storytelling machines. You and I are constantly creating, destroying, elevating, and diminishing ourselves with our inner narratives that appear and disappear in our minds 24/7. Most people are not aware of this process. As a result, they believe that life is happening to them. This feels random, chaotic, and scary. Why do people tolerate it? Because they tell themselves, "That's the way it is. That is reality." Those seven words could not be farther from the truth.

This podcast will explore the storytelling process that is responsible for every facet of your life. It will discuss and encourage ways to take control of your personal narrative so that you can begin directing your destiny with an empowering story.

About your host

Profile picture for Louis Di Bianco

Louis Di Bianco

Louis Di Bianco is a storyteller. He fell in love with storytelling as a child. In his teens, his ability to tell entertaining stories saved his life on the streets of the Bronx, where he grew up. He discovered quickly how to make the neighborhood tough guys like, trust, and respect him by engaging them with stories.

Louis became a professional stage and screen actor to get paid for his love of storytelling. He has appeared in numerous feature films, TV movies, and television series, as well as performing on stage internationally.

He has taught acting for both stage and camera for as long as he has been an actor. We're talking more than four decades. Eventually, he created courses in compelling communication for business people who want to present their ideas, products, and services to the world with clarity, confidence, and persuasive power.

Louis takes the words, Change Your Story, Change Your Life, very seriously. His life experience has taught him that every word we utter, every belief we embrace, is a made up story. Even your past is a made up story that seems so vivid that you swear it's real. Accept that, and you remove all the barriers between you and your dreams. You will be able to enjoy the adventure of changing your story to change your life.