
Published on:

29th May 2019

203: Scary Story


This episode is about a scary story that isn’t scary at all. In fact, it’s an exciting story if you choose to see what it’s really about.

First, an important reminder. Tyrion Lannister, at the finale of Game of Thrones, says that people are not united by armies, gold, or flags. They are united by stories, and that there is nothing more powerful than a good story.

The people who laugh at that statement don’t get how profound it is. Tyrion is saying that all of life is a magnificent story. Civilizations are built on stories. Think of the Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud.

You will learn about three brilliant authors, all critical thinkers, who passionately articulate the message that the world we perceive with our senses is a made-up story, it’s an illusion that veils a powerful limitless reality behind it. These three people of higher consciousness are:

  • Bruce Lipton, a biologist who wrote The Biology of Belief. The book scientifically explodes the idea that we are controlled by our DNA. Lipton persuasively argues that our belief about DNA as an immutable force in our lives is a story.
  • Gregg Braden, a former senior computer systems designer and best selling author. His latest book is Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice.  This book shatters our paradigms about the world, reality, and ourselves. it reveals that we are bathed in a field of intelligent energy. Even more exciting, or scary, depending how you look at it, is the idea that the field responds to us and rearranges itself in the presence of our heart based feelings and beliefs.
  • Lynne McTaggart, a former hard-nosed investigative journalist, a woman who got close to the dark underbelly of life. She made a life changing discovery that led to her book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. Her book echoes Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden. She writes that the human mind and body are not separate from their environment; the are part of a pulsating power that constantly interacts with the vast energy sea around them.  She believes that consciousness may be central in shaping our world.

Why do I call this episode Scary Story? Because this inspiring vision shared by these three brilliant people and many others undermines the foundation of deeply rooted beliefs that make us feel safe in the world. When we muster the courage to embrace this vision we gain enormous power and great responsibility.

I encourage you to take on the challenge that can transform your life and allow you to manifest and live your dreams.


The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

Human by Design by Gregg Braden

The Field by Lynne McTaggart


“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Marianne Wiliamson

Show artwork for Change Your Story, Change Your Life

About the Podcast

Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Influences: Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Dale Carnegie, Oprah, Robert Kiyosaki, Robin Sharma, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, LinkedIn, Twitter, method acting, Marlon Brando, Marcus Aurelius
Humans are storytelling machines. You and I are constantly creating, destroying, elevating, and diminishing ourselves with our inner narratives that appear and disappear in our minds 24/7. Most people are not aware of this process. As a result, they believe that life is happening to them. This feels random, chaotic, and scary. Why do people tolerate it? Because they tell themselves, "That's the way it is. That is reality." Those seven words could not be farther from the truth.

This podcast will explore the storytelling process that is responsible for every facet of your life. It will discuss and encourage ways to take control of your personal narrative so that you can begin directing your destiny with an empowering story.

About your host

Profile picture for Louis Di Bianco

Louis Di Bianco

Louis Di Bianco is a storyteller. He fell in love with storytelling as a child. In his teens, his ability to tell entertaining stories saved his life on the streets of the Bronx, where he grew up. He discovered quickly how to make the neighborhood tough guys like, trust, and respect him by engaging them with stories.

Louis became a professional stage and screen actor to get paid for his love of storytelling. He has appeared in numerous feature films, TV movies, and television series, as well as performing on stage internationally.

He has taught acting for both stage and camera for as long as he has been an actor. We're talking more than four decades. Eventually, he created courses in compelling communication for business people who want to present their ideas, products, and services to the world with clarity, confidence, and persuasive power.

Louis takes the words, Change Your Story, Change Your Life, very seriously. His life experience has taught him that every word we utter, every belief we embrace, is a made up story. Even your past is a made up story that seems so vivid that you swear it's real. Accept that, and you remove all the barriers between you and your dreams. You will be able to enjoy the adventure of changing your story to change your life.